Global Expert Exchange: IO therapy for advanced NSCLC with no oncogenic driver mutations
Chaired by Luis Paz-Ares and Caicun Zhou, an expert panel share their experiences in the treatment of advanced NSCLC with no oncogenic driver mutations and discuss how treatment practices may differ across the globe.
Treatment guidelines for first-line IO in advanced NSCLC

IO-monotherapy for advanced NSCLC with a PD-L1 TPS of ≥50%

First line chemo-IO in advanced NSCLC

Chemo-IO versus IO-IO in advanced NSCLC

Second line and later treatments for advanced NSCLC

IO in patients with a poor patient performance status

IO in patients with comorbidities

IO in patients with CNS metastases

Discussion: Global variations in clinical practice

Clinical case sharing (Europe)

Clinical case sharing (China)

Discussion: Individualizing treatment decisions

Panel discussion